Special Merge Functions

2.0.3 | 9/1/2023

Image() | Lower() | No Merge() | Now() | Redact() | ReplaceImage() | StripRichText() | Substitute() | ThisYear() | Trim() | Today() | UPPER()


By utilizing our merge functions, individuals and organizations can streamline their document generation process by saving time and making fewer changes.


Places image referenced by file ID value stored within a custom field into a template. Uses the percentage values from width and height to resize the image using the same aspect ratio. Percent parameters for width and height range from (1% to 100%)

Example: {{IMAGE(Custom_Text_Field_Name, width, height)}}

Output: Places the image stored in your Salesforce org called by the file ID stored within a custom text field.


Returns a merge field data value with all characters in lowercase. If the merge field data value is null, then the result is null. Used in a merge field template by passing a merge field between the parentheses.

Example: {{LOWER(Merge_Field_Name)}}

Output: All characters in lowercase


Maintains the format of pre-formatted text in your template by instructing Mambo Merge not to merge a particular merge field. Without data, merging a merge field can cause the format and layout to become altered. Therefore, utilizing this function will maintain the look and feel that your documents seek.

Example: {{NOMERGE({{Merge_Field_Name}})}}

Output: The merge field will not be merged and the original merge syntax will stay intact.


This function generates outputs your local time. There is no requirement to input any parameters into the function.

Example: {{NOW()}}

Output: Current local time in your org’s time zone. Example - 3:42:50 PM


Hide or remove confidential or sensitive information by replacing all data characters found in a field with X’s. This includes spaces, punctuation, and additional characters.

Example: {{REDACT(FieldName)}}

Output: If the employee title field contains “Founder, CEO” it would be merged as “xxxxxxxxxxxx” using the REDACT function.


Replaces the current image in a document with the image called by the file ID stored within the custom text field

Example: {{REPLACEIMAGE(Custom_Text_Field)}}

Output: The current image is replaced with a new image called by file ID stored within a custom text field.


Returns a merge field value in plain text. Any rich text formatting from Salesforce is removed before being placed within the merged document.

Example: {{STRIPRICHTEXT(Merge_Field_Name)}}

Output: Removes all rich text from Salesforce and outputs all characters in plain text.


Takes the data stored within a particular field, analyzes it, and then replaces the original text with the new text provided. Comes in handy when you need to find and replace characters within certain fields.

Example: {{Substitute(Merge_Field_Name,”Original_Text”,”New_Text”)}}

Output: Replaces the original text found within the merge field with the new text provided. Text can be one or many characters passed to analyze and replace if a match is found.


Returns the current in a 4-digit format. Used in a template without any parameters passed between the parentheses.

Example: {{THISYEAR()}}

Output: 2023


Returns the current date as a data type. Used in a merge field template without any parameters passed between the parentheses.

Example: {{TODAY()}}

Output: 2/4/2023


Helps extract only the first defined sequence of characters needed from a merged field. This counts spaces and punctuation as part of the character count.

Example: {{TRIM(FieldName, NumberOfCharactersToTrim)}}

Output: Using a phone number field with the function as {{TRIM(Phone, 3)}} would take a data value of 800-123-4567 to return a merge field of only the first three characters. In this case, it would return a merged value of 800.


Returns a merge field value with all characters in lowercase. If the merge field value is null, then the result is null. Used in a merge field template by passing a merge field between the parentheses.

Example: {{UPPER(Merge_Field_Name)}}

Output: All characters in uppercase